These napkins flowers as decoration, are an eye-catcher on any table and easy to make they are. The only thing you need is a (paper) napkin and a piece of thread.

The napkin is once opened (Fig. 1) so that it is upright in front of you. Now a fan is (Fig. 2) and this tied in the middle with the yarn together (Fig. 3) gefalltet. The ends are cut round (so a nice flower shape is formed). Then fold up like a butterfly and the individual were the center of the napkin now bent (Fig. 4). By the rounding of the ends, can be separated, the individual layers of the napkin easy. Finally, simply shortening the cord, if it looks to be out.

Now the flowers are napkins on the table, or - thanks to the thread - can also be connected as a room decoration or to a garden party somewhere.



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